Presentations and publications - AJBH-EN
Presentations and publications
- Gabor Bartus_budapest
- Gunther Bachmann_Transformative knowledge as part of sustainability governance
- Gyula Bandi_Rationale and means of public participation
- Jim McKenzie_Contributions to a sustainable future
- Julia Pitts_acting NOW engaging with Future Generations
- Knut Haanes_The rights of the child today and solidarity with FGs
- Ludwig Krämer_Individual and future generations
- Marie Claire Cordonier Segger_IDLO Legal Innovations - Green Economy
- Marisa Quaresma dos Reis_Individual vs collective rights
- Markus Gehring_Sustainable development and Solidarity - Legal status in EU and International Law
- Paula Tiihonen_Committee for the Future
- Paula Tiihonen_Revamping the work of the Committee for the Future
- Peter Davies_Future Generations Bill Briefing
- Sandor Fulop_Capacity building - a key factor of effectiveness
- Shlomo Shoham_Commission for Future Generations
- Shlomo Shoham_Future Intelligence
- Valerie Wilms_Speech
- Wybe Douma