Workshop on the results of the museum survey - NJBH-EN
null Workshop on the results of the museum survey
In the framework of a comprehensive inquiry into the nationality content of museums, the Deputy Ombudsman for Nationalities organised a workshop at the Office of the Commissioner for Fundamental Rights on 29 November. The aim of the five-hour meeting, which was attended by nearly twenty experts, was to present the basic situation revealed by the investigation, to discuss the professional findings and recommendations, and to clarify and supplement them.
The workshop opened with a presentation by Gabriella Varjú, Senior Adviser, Head of Investigation, in which she presented the results and findings of the nearly two-year process. She said: based on the report of the predecessor minority ombudsman issued in 2010, the deputy commissioner for national minorities started a comprehensive investigation in 2023 on the regulatory background of museum institutions, their infrastructural possibilities and their practical operation, especially with regard to their nationality content and tasks.
Following the draft report summarising the experiences, the participants in the discussion engaged in an intensive and detailed technical debate. Participants included experts from the nationality self-governments, the heads of the nationality museums, nationality country houses and nationality base institutions maintained by them. The event was also attended by the directors of several municipal museums with a county-level function, the head of the department of the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum and a representative of the Department of Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation.
The meeting provided an opportunity for the experts present to discuss the proposals and problems raised in the technical material submitted in advance, and to add their own individual and general problems and difficulties encountered. The participants unanimously found the meeting useful and were open to participating in similar events and discussions in the future.
We would like to thank the experts for their presence and their constructive comments and suggestions, which contributed to the final form of the study.