Architecture of peripheries - lecture at the Budapest University of Technology - NJBH-EN
null Architecture of peripheries - lecture at the Budapest University of Technology
Following a special invitation, the Minority Ombudsman and the Head of the Secretariat gave a presentation on nationality rights, non-discrimination and the possibilities of interdisciplinary professional cooperation at the course entitled "Architecture of Peripheries - Rediscovery and Innovation" at the BME.
The inviter was Balázs Kemes DLA, architect and adjunct professor at the Department of Public Building Design, Faculty of Architecture, who invites eminent experts from different disciplines to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue in the framework of the course, which was launched five years ago. The aim of this popular course, which is regularly attended by around 60 students, is to gather and interpret the current but marginalised phenomena of our time and world which have a fundamental impact on our culture and, in particular, on our built environment, including architecture.
Beyond the lectures, socially engaged work and interdisciplinary dialogue are a key element in the work of the Department of Public Building Design: a permanent professional working group, a series of interdisciplinary meetings and the annual summer camp are an integral part of the professional framing of social engagement. These focus on understanding, assisting and supporting disadvantaged communities, while building community, collaboration and effective social engagement.
The Sustainable Communities Studio and socially engaged architecture within the Department are concerned with sustainable models that best meet the needs of a wide range of communities, both in terms of the architect's potential involvement and the specific architectural solutions. According to its mission statement, the Studio's primary goal is to create community projects through research and education that promote the social presence and sustainability of disadvantaged or other civic-based communities. The socially sensitive, solidarity-based approach is characterised by the fact that the design is based on community dialogue and closely follows the life of the community. In this type of architecture, the importance of understanding the needs of the community, of listening to them and of a proactive, proactive architectural practice is paramount.
During the building camps, participating students have carried out and are currently carrying out small-scale construction and renovation projects to help municipalities or communities with complex disadvantages. In addition to students and teachers, members of the communities concerned are usually involved in the joint preparation of the work plans and their subsequent self-financed implementation.
To find out more about the activities of Balázs Kemes DLA and the Department of Public Spatial Planning, click on these links: